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Jinhai Co., Ltd. held the 2020 annual work report summary meeting and the Party style and clean government construction and anti-corruption work meeting

On February 3, the 2020 annual work report summary meeting and the Party style and clean government construction and anti-corruption work meeting were held in Funing, Jiangsu Province. Yang Zhou, chairman and general manager of Inner Mongolia Jinhai New Energy Technology Co., Ltd., and Shen Weiming, Shi Hui and Wang Haigang, deputy general managers, attended the meeting. Zhou Guojun, chief executive of the company, presided over the meeting. Yang Zhou, chairman and general manager of the company, listened to the work report of middle and senior management.

Yang Zhou stressed that a work report meeting is a re mobilization of ideas and a re departure of actions. All management centers, departments and units should take this meeting as a new starting point, comprehensively implement the work plans of the group and the joint stock company, lead a good team and do a good job, persist in learning, improve their professional knowledge and business ability, and further enhance the overall situation Strengthen communication and contact, cooperate with each other and make concerted efforts to contribute to the development of the group and the joint stock company.

The meeting stressed that the majority of Party members and leading cadres should integrate with practice, base on practice, learn to think, learn to gain, and learn to think and practice. In practical work, they should give full play to the guiding force of grass-roots party organizations and the fighting fortress role of grass-roots party organizations, give full play to the exemplary leading and exemplary role of Party members and leading cadres, further strengthen their innovation ability, strengthen their leading role, and renew their ideas and innovate Methods: to do a good job in production, management and Party building by means of careful study and intelligence.

Finally, on behalf of the board of directors and management team of the company, Yang Zhou expressed his heartfelt thanks to all employees of the company for their contributions to the development of the company in the past year. I wish you all good health, family happiness, smooth work and all the best in the New Year!

All cadres of the company, representatives of staff and workers, members of tower tube company and other leading groups attended the meeting.

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Address: Funing County Economic Development Zone Xin 36 Avenue  