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Jinhai Co., Ltd. held a summary meeting of the 2021 annual work report and a meeting on party style and clean government building and anti-corruption work.

On January 27th, Jinhai Company's 2021 year-end debriefing work conference and the conference on party style and clean government building and anti-corruption work were held in Shanghai, Jiangsu, Baotou and other places via remote video. Yang Zhou, chairman and general manager of Inner Mongolia Jinhai New Energy Technology Co., Ltd., Shen Weiming, Shi Hui and Wang Haigang, deputy general managers of the company, main leaders of centers and subsidiaries, assistant department ministers and above managers attended the meeting. The meeting was presided over by Zhou Guojun, director of the administrative center of the joint-stock company.

At this debriefing meeting, the main responsible persons of the marketing management center, quality management center, administrative management center, Baotou manufacturing base, Jiangsu manufacturing base, Jiangsu tower tube company, Jiangsu power generation company, etc. of the joint-stock company made on-site debriefing, and other cadres made written debriefing. The debriefing comrades talked about achievements and highlights from the aspects of performing their duties in 2021, working honestly, existing shortcomings, and key objectives in 2022, and put forward the next rectification measures and work ideas. Subsequently, members of the leadership team of the joint-stock company, leaders of various centers and molecular companies conducted on-site evaluation on the on-site debriefing personnel.

At the meeting, Yang Zhou, chairman and general manager of the joint-stock company, and the leadership team of the joint-stock company fully affirmed the reports of cadres at this debriefing meeting. Yang Zong emphasized that all employees should fully implement the spirit of the working conference of the group company, review and summarize the work and experience of the joint-stock company in 2021, analyze and judge the current situation, deploy the key tasks in 2022, further mobilize all employees to unify their thinking and strengthen their confidence, and make new contributions to promoting the leap-forward development of technological innovation of advanced product schemes of wind power structure systems such as Jinhai concrete tower, reverse balance flange and prestressed anchor bolt assembly.

The meeting demanded that all party members and cadres, professional and technical backbones, etc. should take good teams and do a good job; We should persist in studying and improve our professional knowledge level and professional ability; It is necessary to further enhance the overall awareness and overall awareness, strengthen communication and contact, and help each other and make concerted efforts; It is necessary to strengthen the responsibility, anchor the development plan and objectives of the 14th Five-Year Plan of the group company and the joint-stock company, and vigorously promote the company to take the lead in technological innovation, overcoming difficulties, operation and maintenance management, large base construction and other aspects, so as to make due contributions to the healthy and stable development of new energy of the group company.

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