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Happy news! Jinhai hua county Zaocun Wind Farm Project won the honor of China Electric Power Quality Project in 2022.

On June 28th, China Electric Power Construction Enterprise Association issued the Notice of Announcement of Evaluation Results of China Electric Power Quality Project in 2022 [2022] No.83, and Datang hua county Zaocun Wind Farm Project won the honor of "China Electric Power Quality Project in 2022". China's electric power quality engineering is the honor of engineering quality in China's electric power construction industry, and the construction quality of China's electric power quality engineering represents the same period and similar advanced level in China. This award is highly recognized and affirmed by the power industry and experts for the main construction unit of the consortium of Jiangsu Jinhai New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. and China National Nuclear Machinery Engineering Co., Ltd.

The total installed capacity of hua county Datang Zaocun Wind Farm Project is 300MW. With the strong support of the company leaders and the joint efforts of all employees of the project department, the first wind turbine of Datang hua county Wind Power Company was put into operation at the end of 2018, which was affirmed and praised by Datang hua county Company.

Hua county Datang Zaocun Wind Farm Project is also a step of mass production and promotion of Jinhai concrete towers to the domestic market. It is also a domestic project of mass production of concrete towers in low wind speed areas, which has laid a solid foundation for the development of domestic wind power concrete tower industry, and won the first prize of 2019 China Electric Power Construction Science and Technology Progress Award. The project has overcome a series of design and construction problems successively, and its successful commissioning has effectively improved the manufacturing level and innovation ability of Jinhai concrete tower and wind power equipment, realized the localization, large-scale and Jinhai construction of concrete tower in China, and created an industry benchmark from "prototype test" in Funing, Jiangsu Province to "excellent demonstration" in hua county, Henan Province.

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